Avotek AMT Logbook
Plastikoil Spiral Binding | Durable Cover | Shop Friendly
This title is available as a softcover book with a durable leatherette cover and plastikoil binding.
The Avotek AMT Logbook is a handy tool for aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs) or future AMTs to record the time they spend working on various aircraft or components. When filled in, over time, the logbook becomes a significant part of documentary evidence. It is a record that shows proof of training and on-the-job experiences you have completed at a maintenance facility. Be sure to have each experience validated by a certificated Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) technician. An FAA aviation safety inspector can use your documentary evidence, in part, to determine if you meet experience requirements for an A&P Mechanic certificate. This log can also be used to record experience toward inspection authorization renewal. Use it to record major repairs or alterations, performing annual inspections, or progressive inspections.
ISBN 13: 978-1-933189-91-8
Info that can be recorded
- Date
- Aircraft/Item
- N Number/ID
- Description of maintenance task performed
- IA renewal credit: checkboxes for R/A (repair/alteration), AI (annual inspection), PI (progressive inspection)
- Time spent
- Supervising mechanic signature
- Technician’s signature
- Certificate type and number
- Total hours for the page
- Total hours carried forward
- Total to date
- Notes